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Admissions Arrangements:

Dartford Science & Technology College, being a Foundation school, is required to work with the LEA Admissions Team to operate a scheme to co-ordinate admissions arrangements, as required by the Education Act 2002.

If you have any questions regarding admissions, please email the school office using

You can read the admissions arrangement documents here:

From Primary to Secondary:

A package of information describes how Kent schools are organised and how to apply for a place at the school of the parent’s choice.

Kent County Council is responsible for making sure:

  • that parents can express their preference for a school place for their child
  • that parents have access to the information which helps them to make up their minds
  • that every child is offered an appropriate school place

In addition, the various processes and timetable for admissions are explained fully to parents and the Area Education Office coordinate the timing of announcements. The intention being that an appropriate place is found for every child seeking one.