KS4 Careers (Years 10 & 11)
DSTC is proud to be able to offer our students help and advice in different areas including careers, decision making, options around education, apprenticeships, employment and training.
You have some important decisions to make in terms of what will occur after Year 11. It is important to make the right decisions as the next steps in your education could shape your whole career path and working life.
Some things you may want to consider when looking at the options and possible future decisions:
- What are your strengths and areas for improvement?
- What do you enjoy?
- What are your predicted grades?
- Do you have a career idea in mind?
- Are you considering higher education at university or degree apprenticeship in the future?
It helps to start planning and researching into some of your ideas from the start of Year 10 so you are prepared to make these decisions at the early stage of Year 11. Talk with your parents/carers, Form Tutor, subject teachers, friends and your Sixth Form Mentor
Options after Year 11 include:
- Sixth Form Study at DSTC Post 16
- Further Education Colleges such as North Kent College and Hadlow College or other sixth forms
- Apprenticeships:
For more information on your choices and options for Post-16 study please speak to or email the post 16 team at post16@dstc.kent.sch.uk.
How can Teachers support Careers Advice?
Around our school, there are displays dedicated to careers within subjects. Our staff have worked hard to ensure these are relevant and accessible to our students.
Our teachers are available to impart any advice they have regarding careers in their subject areas. Ask them about careers relating to their subject.
Teachers can also provide resources and information to help you read around a chosen career path
Careers Options Tools
https://beta.nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/assessment/short/ - The .GOV question-based assessment to support your career choices. It gives you a number of suggested careers at the end.
https://barclayslifeskills.com/i-want-to-choose-my-next-step/school/wheel-of-strengths - a very quick, visual way to obtain more career suggestions based on 3 quick questions.
https://fledglink.com/ - an app that supports career decision making and employability skills.