Careers Resources
DSTC now uses UNIFROG to support students with a with variety of careers resources. All DSTC students have a UNIFROG account where they can search for specific careers information, as well as guidance on personal statements, CV writing and further education.
Students can log in to UNIFROG using the link below:
Career Paths - Quick Guides
We are fortunate to have these excellent resources provided by the Kent and Medway Careers Hub. Please read these resources for additional advice.
Library Careers Guide
Although most of our career resources are online, our school Library is available to provide careers information and resources for all students, Key Stage 3 through to Key Stage 5. All students can research job opportunities which relate to the subjects they enjoy at school and guidance on applying for jobs. Year 11 students explore the prospectuses for local Post 16 and Further Education Colleges. Post 16 students can consult university prospectuses, current university guides and guidance for composing their ‘Personal Statement’.
Careers Information
There is a plentiful supply of careers information online, and we are always happy to advise on some of the best websites to use. For careers in STEM, we often use:
Parent-specific support for careers
Teacher Information and Materials
Teachers are frequently the first port of call for students who need career information. As subject specialists, they are often able to advise on certain career paths. In addition to their own knowledge and experiences, we have prepared a range of resources for our staff to access and share with students as appropriate.
Subject career list:
BBC subject resources
My Learning My Future